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Il mental coaching è un approccio olistico che si concentra sull'ottimizzazione delle prestazioni e del benessere mentale attraverso lo sviluppo di competenze e strategie psicologiche. "Mente Vincente", scritto dal rinomato Mental Coach professionista Alessandro Garau, è un libro di riferimento indispensabile per chiunque desideri migliorare se stesso e le persone attorno a loro, sia nella vita quotidiana che professionale.

In questo libro, Alessandro Garau presenta gli strumenti chiave del mental coaching, tra cui la definizione degli obiettivi, l'autoconsapevolezza, la visualizzazione, il rilassamento e la gestione dello stress, l'affrontare le sfide e la resilienza, la Programmazione Neuro-Linguistica (PNL), il dialogo interiore positivo, la gestione del tempo e l'organizzazione, la consapevolezza dei propri valori e motivazione intrinseca, il feedback e la valutazione delle performance, e le abilità sociali e relazioni interpersonali.

Ogni capitolo del libro si concentra su uno di questi strumenti, fornendo spiegazioni dettagliate, esempi pratici ed esercizi per aiutarti a comprendere e applicare ciascun concetto nella tua vita. Attraverso la lettura e l'attuazione di queste tecniche, potrai sviluppare abilità mentali più forti, aumentare la tua autostima e la tua fiducia in te stesso e raggiungere i tuoi obiettivi con maggiore successo.

"Mente Vincente" è una risorsa preziosa per individui e professionisti alle prime armi che vogliono approfondire i temi e gli strumenti del mental coaching per migliorare se stessi e le persone attorno a loro. Non perdere l'opportunità di scoprire come sbloccare il tuo potenziale e creare una vita più ricca e gratificante. Visita per saperne di più e acquistare la tua copia di "Mente Vincente" oggi stesso.

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This manual comes from the coaching experience of Alessandro Garau, Vincenzo Cosenza and Antonella Iannò, who thanks to their passion and work have structured a blog that bears the title of the book: The life you really want. Each cue serves to reflect on one's personal life and profession; every aspect of our life can be contemplated and improved through the application of coaching techniques, with a more proactive and motivating language. Here this manual can meet these needs, and by reading a little food for thought every day it will be possible to ignite that spark that will make us understand how it will be possible to improve our lives with coaching. The Life You Really Want is first of all a set of people, minds, ideas: with this manual it will be possible to "turn on" the mind to explore our inner "I", get to know previously hidden areas, hidden potential, all aimed at to the achievement of personal well-being. The life you really want comes from a blog: each article will contain the hashtags of the category it belongs to, to maintain its nature and to give immediate input on what you are going to read. The contents of this book can truly make a huge difference in Life! And you, which life do you really want?

This manual comes from the coaching experience of Alessandro Garau, Vincenzo Cosenza and Antonella Iannò, who thanks to their passion and work have structured a blog that bears the title of the book: The life you really want. Each cue serves to reflect on one's personal life and profession; every aspect of our life can be contemplated and improved through the application of coaching techniques, with a more proactive and motivating language. Here this manual can meet these needs, and by reading a little food for thought every day it will be possible to ignite that spark that will make us understand how it will be possible to improve our lives with coaching. The Life You Really Want is first and foremost a set of people, minds, ideas: with this manual it will be possible to "turn on" the mind to explore our inner "I", get to know previously hidden areas, hidden potential, all aimed at to the achievement of personal well-being. The life you really want comes from a blog: each article will contain the hashtags of the category it belongs to, to maintain its nature and to give immediate input on what you are going to read. The contents of this book can truly make a huge difference in Life! And you, which life do you really want?

In my direct experience as an Optometrist, I can say that in the last 5 years, aggravated by the pandemic period, the trend is even oriented towards a worsening.
Yes, there are always people attentive to self-care, to the health of their Vision who live to the fullest, but the majority of people seen in the studio in recent years asked the question: "How do you see us?" For 90% answers: I can see well! Obviously this is not the case, and this problem is transversal if we consider the age, the studies done, the type of work performed or the financial availability of the client.
So what does this little care for the health of your eyes depend on? In three words, little (and often wrong) information, bad habits and bad experiences made when buying prescription lenses, glasses and contact lenses or when dealing with some "professionals" of vision.

In dealing with tens of thousands of clients in the studio and in the shop, I have put together hundreds of questions (that have been asked of me) and answers that make up this essay. These are the result of practical experimentation and professional training in contact with the most innovative companies in the sector ranging from optics to optometry.

For many people it's just glasses or lenses and for them one is as good as the other. I believe that one's eyes to which we owe 3/4 of the information on the outside world deserve much more. Also because they are connected to all the daily processes of perception, learning, emotion, etc. in a word of Life that we do almost without realizing it and that too often we take for granted.

What are the elements that affect the balance and health of our eyes? What do we have to defend ourselves against if we want to live up to the current and ever-increasing visual demands in terms of performance?
Bad experiences can happen and clearly here we can do little or nothing to change them, but I am fully convinced that to change one's habits for the better, the first thing is to stop acting on the basis of information acquired by hearsay and get informed firsthand and then make your own choices.
The idea of this essay is to create a clear and immediate overview of information, advice and suggestions regarding the protection of sight and vision for adults and children in the optometric field with the sharing of over 100 concise and effective questions and answers . For any questions, further clarifications and consultations in the studio Enjoy the reading!

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